About Lailah
Lailah is a skilled bartender known for her unique cocktails and friendly service. Come visit her bar for an unforgettable experience!
GLAM AWARD winning BEST BARTENDER, Entertainer, Model, Fluevog fanatic, Deee-lite Lover, Horror Fan!
Bartender, Comedienne, Singer-songwriter at Singer
Former Bar Manager/Bartender at Lucky Cheng's
Went to School of Hard Knocks, The University of Life
Lives in Brooklyn, New York
- Mojito
- Martini
- Old Fashioned
- Margarita
- Paulina's Pink Pussycat
In 2024, Lailah won the prestigious Glam Award in NYC for her outstanding bartending skills and innovative cocktail creations. This award recognizes the best in the industry, and Lailah's dedication and talent have truly set her apart.